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Code for generating Higher-order Network (HON) from data with higher-order dependencies. Also included: testing input/output data sets, code for computing PageRank on HON, and so on.
HON+: a fundamentally improved HON construction algorithm
- Parameter-free
- Supports arbitrarily high orders of dependencies
- Highly efficient in time and space
- Python packages
- Code available on GitHub

[Available Soon]:
HoNVis: a visualization toolkit for interactive exploration of higher-order networks.
- Import heterogeneous data
- Quickly identify interactive patterns of interest
- Explore at different granularities
- Trace propagation pathways and see how they expand the subgraph of ports invaded by certain species
- Test targeted species control strategies for given ports / shipping routes
- Drill down to the raw data to understand the formation and evolution of higher-order dependencies
- And more